To practise as a specialist or to practise a KNMG profiel in the Netherlands, it is required to register in the BIG register for doctors, as well as in one of the registers of the RGS for specialists and practitioners of a KNMG profiel. If you do not wish to take up residence in the Netherlands and wish to practise on a temporary and occasional basis, you can declare yourself to be a service provider.
More information about the procedure:
Recognition means that the qualification you obtained abroad (also referred to as a diploma) is recognised as equivalent to that of a specialist or practitioner of a profiel who has been trained in the Netherlands. This does not yet qualify you to practise in the capacity of specialist or to practise a KNMG profiel in the Netherlands. It is also mandatory to be entered in one of the registers of the RGS.
Entry in a register of the RGS has been subject to certain requirements since January 2016. Important requirements are:
a recognised qualification;
evidence of employment;
proof of continued professional development in the case of graduation five years ago or longer;
proof of Dutch language proficiency if this has not already been provided during the BIG registration procedure.
It is possible to apply for both recognition and registration with a single application.
Specialists with a diploma from a country within the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, and an EEA/Swiss nationality, can apply for recognition of their diploma and registration as a specialist via our online portal MijnRGS.
If you do not have a BIG registration as a physician (basisarts) yet, please start the procedure for recognition and registration with the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (CIBG) and mention that you are a specialist. We will receive notice from the CIBG and contact you to inform you of the next steps in the application procedure.
Do you already have a BIG registration as a physician? Start the procedure for recognition of your specialist diploma and registration as a specialist via MijnRGS: Aanvragen inloggegevens MijnRGS · MijnRGS (
Specialists with a diploma from other countries, or other nationalities, can apply by sending an e-mail to:
You can find information in the Manual for Holders of Foreign Qualifications.
There are two ways to start an application procedure:
If you are not yet registered as a doctor in the BIG register (register of the Individual Health Care Professions Act), you will need to apply with the BIG register first. The BIG register will forward your application for your speciality to the Registratiecommissie Geneeskundig Specialisten (RGS, the Medical Registration Council).
If you are admitted in the BIG register for doctors, you can contact the RGS directly to apply, using the online portal MijnRGS or by e-mail via
Yes. You can start the procedure three months before obtaining your specialist diploma.
The length of the RGS application procedure depends on your personal situation. A key factor is the speed with which you can provide the documents the RGS requests.
The combined fee for recognition and registration is € 1.889. If required, there is a separate fee of € 618 for additional training (a different rate applies to general practice). The costs mentioned are without 21% value added tax (VAT).